Product Price Calculator

Calculate your product's perfect selling price

Product Price


Product Price Calculator

Are you an entrepreneur or looking into business? Are you going to be selling products or services? Do you know how you will price your products or services? You do not have to trouble your mind so much. Using this product price calculator will ease everything for you. Avoid underpricing or overpricing your products.

How to price products using this calculator

Worry about knowing the cost of the product but not the gross profit. Freelancing is giving high competition to other businesses. You need to know about the profit you would like to make before getting started. This calculator requires you to enter the cost of your product and your desired gross margin. Without wasting time or putting your mind at work, this calculator will give you the results. In less than a minute, you will know the price to tag your products, gross profit and mark up. Isn’t that great? So easy and convenient. The details are also determined by the type of pricing you use. There are different types of pricing your products. They include;

Cost-based pricing

This is a pricing technique that revolves around the initial cost. Any additions made are made to the initial cost. For instance, if the total cost of the product is $100 and the desired profit is $30, the selling price will be generated. This method is known as cost-plus pricing. Another method under cost based pricing is markup pricing. This is more effective in freelancing retailing. An entrepreneur adds a markup percentage to the initial cost of the product.

Other types of pricing methods include competition-based and demand based methods. They are however not fit for product pricing calculator.

Benefits of a product pricing calculator

It is fast. You do not need a piece of paper and a pen. This calculator is faster enough to generate results in less than a minute.

Cost efficient. There are different calculators available in the internet. Most of them are free to use and download. Therefore, you do not have to incur extra charges in your business.

It is reliable and convenient. This calculator gives you genuine results. The pricing that you get after calculating is the valuable one. You do not need to keep looking for it as a result of misplacing. The calculator is available and accessible from your phone.

Factors to consider before setting your product price

Cost. This calculator will always ask for the initial cost of the product. You cannot set the end price without knowing the original cost. This calculator will give you results depending with the initial cost of the product. The cost should factor in all the expenses taken. This includes value of labor.


This calculator is meant to make your freelancing more profitable and less mind straining. It is helping you be logical in the pricing of your products. Ensuring that you do not underprice or over-price your products is important. Customers judge products according to the price. This calculator ensures that you do not go overboard either way.

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